Let's start cooking!

30 minutes Medium


  • ${ getServingQuantity(4, 4, servingQuantity ?? 4) }
    Galettes Fines au Beurre

    Add to shopping cart

  • ${ getServingQuantity(1, 4, servingQuantity ?? 4) }
  • bouquet d'aneth
  • huile d'olive
  • ${ getServingQuantity(1, 4, servingQuantity ?? 4) } teentje
    petite gousse d'ail
  • fleur de seul
  • poivre noir
Taco boterwafels aubergines ingredienten


Step 1

Réchauffez les galettes au beurre au four à 180 °C jusqu’à ce qu’elles ramollissent et enroulez-les sur un petit cylindre pour qu’elles prennent la forme d’un taco.

Step 2

Coupez l’aubergine en deux et arrosez généreusement la chair d’huile d’olive. Coupez la gousse d’ail en morceaux et piquez-les dans la chair d’aubergine. Assaisonnez de sel et de poivre et faites cuire au four préchauffé à 160 °C.

Step 3

Enlevez la peau de l’aubergine et mixez grossièrement la chair d’aubergine avec l’aneth. Remplissez les tacos de galette au beurre de purée d’aubergine et décorez d’une branche d’aneth.

Conditions of personalised Jules Destrooper boxes

Jules Destrooper offers its customers the opportunity to personalise 3 types of boxes in its webshop with a message of their choice in the logo. The products that can be personalised are the Butter Crisps 100 g, Butter Waffles 100 g and Almond Thins 100 g. The customer indicates on the product page of one of these 3 products which message he/she wants to see printed on the packaging. Through our preview mode, the customer can immediately visualise and double-check his/her personalised variant. Changes can be made via the shopping cart. Jules Destrooper cannot be held liable for any errors in the spelling of the message passed on by the customer. The personalised message is limited to 24 characters. Special characters and emojis are not allowed. Before the personalised box is printed, it is checked by a Jules Destrooper employee, who determines whether the message may be printed in this way. If Jules Destrooper determines that the message cannot be printed, Jules Destrooper will contact the customer and ask him to deliver a new message. As long as the customer has not provided feedback, the order will not be processed. Jules Destrooper reserves the right to refuse a message:

Furthermore, the customer accepts that the delivery of an order including a personalised box may take 3 to 5 working days (for deliveries in Belgium – for other countries it might take a few extra days), after approval of the message that needs to be printed on the personalised box. The other products from the customer's order (= the products that cannot be personalised) will therefore be delivered at the same time, since there is only one delivery.